Senin, 06 September 2010

Batik Borneo

Hi everyone.... ^^
Nice to visit my blog again...
I promise want to write more about West Borneo (Special My Hometown Sanggau Regency)
But, my Bro still at Sanggau..
Sooo, i must wait for a little bit more... (its not little .. but so long, coz he go since Jun 10... ), yeah yeah yeah, i'll waiting Bro... wait for pic he take at Gawai Dayak... (I will explain it when i got more picture ok? promise...)it will be interesting ^^

But, i'll tell u something..
When i went to my Auntie home (at Sukabumi)... i found something...
She show me Costume from Dayak Tribe...
Waw, its so interesting ....
The color is... Dark Blue (I think -_-' i'm not sure)... and full of beads beads : manik - manik... is it true word?, Corerect me if wrong..) and full of traditional Dayak paint.. She make it for her son (5th grade) she make it by her self... I ask My Auntie, "How much cost we need??", and She answer... "Rp 200.000"... "wow, so expensive.." (coz i plan to make it one.. but sooo expensive).

And then she told me, i can use Batik. hah? Borneo have Batik too? (Like Java... every people know about Batik Solo.., Batik Jogja, Batik Pekalongan...
So, i know now if Borneo have Batik too... with special motif Dayak of course.. ^^ (We can found this motif in Clothes, Shield, Wallpaper, and any handycraft).
So happy know that Borneo have Batik..
Indonesia really really a Rich Country ... ^^

I'll show u its (Costume,Shield, Crafts, Wallpaper... ^^ enjoy beautiful Borneo)

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