Selasa, 23 November 2010

Let Us Explore Sanggau 1

Glimpse Of sanggau

Geographically, Sanggau Regency located on strategic athmosphere. Due to its existed in the middle of the biggest island in the world exactly, Borneo Island which inhabitant by three south east asia countries namely Indonesia and two of Malaysia and Brunei Darussalam. Fortunately Sanggau is the regency which bordered directly with its neighbouring country Sarawak, East Malaysia. Sanggau is part of regency in West Borneo (West Kalimantan) Province.

Now...Let Us Explore Sanggau ^^

1. Projal Golf Course
For those who like golf, Projal Golf Course is the place where u can golfing. Its managed by Sanggau Golfing Association with 9 holes, green forest, and have soome fasilities. Projal location in the middle of City.Picture available soon (dont have the photo)

Continue.... ^^x

Borneo Batik

Ou... that a wrong date... i take the picture 1 hour ago... i should be set the date first T__T but its ok.... here one photo again

how do u think guys?

Borneo Cloth

Finally... i get the cloth from my Brother... It's brown... sweet like brownis hahahaha... (I'm hungry >,<)