Rabu, 16 Juni 2010

Introduce West Borneo

Province : West Borneo

Capital City : Pontianak

City :
1. Pontianak
2. Singkawang

Regency :
1. Bengkayang
2. Kapuas Hulu
3. Kayong Utara
4. Ketapang
5. Kubu Raya
6. Landak
7. Melawi
8. Sambas
9. Sanggau (this is my Hometown ^^)
10. Sekadau
11. Sintang

Tribe : Dayak, Melayu, Chinese

Language : Indonesia, Dayak, Melayu, Hakka, Tiochiu

Religion : Moslem, Catholic, Christian, Buddhism,Confusius, (Animisme, Dinamisme (Little i think...))

This is for beginning...

I'll c u tomorrow guys... :)

Kembali Menulis (Start Writing Again)

Well... this is my first post in 2010...
I've been thinking of writing what i want to make..
Anddd... tadaaaaa
I will write something about Borneo....especially West Borneo...
Story about people, tourism... everything about that...

My Brother will go to Borneo next month. I told him to find out more about West Borneo.

Oh.. i wish i will get more information about it. Especially my village Sanggau.... ^^ oh i'm so excited..